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Uljma Rapid Open 2024 (MZ Uljma) SUBOTA 30.11. od 17h

Last update 30.11.2024 20:58:20, Creator/Last Upload: Sahovski Savez Vojvodine

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Starting rank

1Kotrla, Sebastian917117SRB2093
2Stankovic, Dragan B917486SRB2089
3CMTisma, Ivan920614SRB2080
4Milic, Ilija967114SRB1996
5Petrovic, Lazar923001SRB1987
6Mladenovski, Dragan917184SRB1948
7Brankovic, Uros9220385SRB1947
8Djuric, Djurica991333SRB1900
9Brankovic, Tiberie9220113SRB1866
10Igracki, Miodrag9205726SRB1827
11Kostic, Zivojin944610SRB1824
12Djilas, Aleksandar9212463SRB1821
13Kaludjer, Janos9235170SRB1728
14Zivanovic, Igor9245418SRB1702
15Roman, Jon9231484SRB1661
16Jovic, Miodrag N9245787SRB1649
17Vasic, Nevena9207249SRB1558
18Jovanov, Novak9237113SRB1488
19Bogosavljev, Djuradj9233584SRB0
20Djerfi, Luka9242320SRB0
21Gligorijevic, MicaSRB0
22Mikic, Veljko9233592SRB0
23Stanojevic, Stanisa9211955SRB0